Dark scary fun

Have you ever enjoy the ride of dark, scary and yet fun ride?  I did.....

In this video in my you tube channel, you can see my fly up and down on the parachute.  It was pretty high up my friends.  I could still feel my stomach churned when I went up and suddenly shot down in a sec.

My sister and I went up the parachute, up, up all the way, and down we came in the parachute.  I could practically feel my stomach somersaulted.  But it was indeed fun.  You should try it sometimes.

Will I do it again?  Well, with the right company and at the right time, sure, why not?  Come join me and have fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Justin. I have experience similar ride as well....it is call Magic Mountain in Disneyland, California. When you get a chance ask your mummy & daddy take you there. Aunty Shirley
