What are your hobbies, my friend?

What are your hobbies, my friend?  What do you do during your leisure time?  Other than study, my friend, other than study....

Let me in on your hobbies and the activities that you love to do during your leisure time. What do you love to do?

I know some of you who enjoys reading or watching tv, or now watching you tube and my you tube videos? Ha, got you there!  So, other than sit and relax activities like watching tv, videos and reading, what else interest you?  Fun stuff you do during your leisure time.

What makes you happy?  What makes you want to dance and shake your bum bum?

As for me, I love sports.  Sports makes me sweat and swag!!  Wow, cool and catchy huh!

What I love 

I love to play badminton.  I love soccer.  I love magic too!  I loved to play chess, but not so much these days.

I love to watch, learn and show my family and friends my magic moves which I learnt from you tube.  They are so cool, to be able to successfully carry out the tricks and have your audience wow you in amazed and amused state.

Well, if you are interested, email or let me know and I can show you a trick or two of my magical moves.  I usually do magic with cards.  They are easy yet interesting.

And have you watched my fun videos on the Just for Fun with Justin channel?  Check it out, my friends.

See you soon!

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