Just For Fun For Love

What Is Just For Fun For Love?

Recently, I have posted videos of my friends and I doing the Ice Bucket Challenge.  In the beginning, our challenges were just for fun, joining in the viral challenges we see on the social media.  We challenged each other and the trail went on.

I Did Some Homework After The Ice Bucket Challenge

I checked and find out more about the source of Ice Bucket Challenge and what started it.  I was quite amazed with the stories behind how this fun challenge was initiated to create awareness to the ALS. I learnt something new about ALS, its organisation, its purpose, people who got the condition and how they and their family members cope with the condition.

ALS And Their Good Works

It was amazing how the challenge managed to bring in such huge amount of awareness and funds to ALS.  It is for such good cause.

How About Joining Us To Help Out Other Charity Causes Too

So, my friends and I thought of joining the viral wave and help out local charity organisations with our Just For Fun Channel as ALS organization and its  people have done a great job and their next step would be to manage on how they can further improve the lives of the people with ALS and do research and other works to help.


Join my friends and I in the Just For Fun Video Clips and help us raise fund or say a prayer to all people. Thank you and enjoy our video:)

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